Saturday, October 17, 2009

The Expendables (2010) - A Fan's Dream Coming True

Now...the video that you see up deserves a little explanation.

The short version? There's a new movie with an assortment of action stars called "The Expendables", which comes out in August of 2010. A 3 minute promo was released on youtube on October 13th, but Lion's Gate decided to take all of the promos/trailers off of by day...which is strange. I say that's a promo which = isn't promoting the 'promo' a good thing?? But, in honor of this promo I decided to make the little tribute that you see up above. The song featured is "Not Ready to Die" by the band Demon Hunter.

It was deleted AND a strike was put onto my youtube account. Which is ridiculous. No money gets made off of why all the trouble and drama about it? And Lion's Gate...I ask you...WHY have a god damn PROMO if you don't want ANYONE to SEE the fucking thing?? Doesn't promo mean 'PROMOTIONAL' as in 'to promote the shit out of something'?

I await your answer, Lion's Gate!

Now the long version...

The Expendables is a film that many on the Internet have been awaiting with baited breath. A film to feature the likes of Sylvester Stallone, Jet Li, Jason Statham, Dolph Lundgren, Mickey Rourke, Eric Roberts, Terry Crews, Randy Couture, and Stone Cold Steve Austin? And with the added bonus of cameos from mega-stars Arnold Schwarzenegger and Bruce Willis? Like the title up above says...a fan's dream coming true.

Now some people have had problems and gripes about this flick. First off, they want to know why 'so and so' isn't in it.

*Van Damme - Stallone offered the part to him, but Van Damme said no because it 'didn't have enough story and enough 'meat' for his character'...this coming from the guy who starred in Street Fighter and Double Team with Dennis Rodman. It was a huge shame because Van Damme is actually my second favorite action star (Stallone being my first). So if Van Damme had said yes, this would have gone from an epic 10 out of 10 to a God-fearing and rare 11 out of 10. Huge mistake Van Damme...huge mistake.

*Wesley Snipes - Jail time for taxes (which more than likely also meant that when he got out, he couldn't travel outside of the country because of parole).

*Chuck Norris - Because Chuck Norris' tears cure cancer, too bad Chuck Norris has never cried (AKA I don't know).

But some also complain that Arnold and Bruce don't have bigger roles. Hate to break it to people out there, but Arnold is too busy running California and Willis has about 3/4 different movies (including the now-released "The Surrogates" as well as Kevin Smith's "A Couple of Dicks"...which might be changed to "A Couple of Cops" by the time you read this blog). Be greatful that we are at least going to see Sly, Bruce, AND Arnold on the same screen and in the same scene. Who HASN'T wanted to see that for the longest time?

Some complain that the movie looks "Direct to DVD". First, what the fuck? If you have the chance to watch the promo (or from seeing my tribute of it up above), then you can tell me what other Direct to DVD flicks look like THIS one?? Give me a list so I can hunt down those fuckers...cause I've seen a lot of shitty Direct to DVD action films (Seagal...I'm looking at you with your "Kill Switch", your "Driven to Kill", your "Attack Force", and a bunch more) and this doesn't look like one.

Big, old school explosions that have no CGI. Entire harbors blowing up. Tons of shoot-outs without the shaky cam annoyance, fisticuffs that aren't edited to 1/10th of a millisecond, big car chases, planes shooting the shit out of a harbor with Sly running away from it, and that 'one hell of a fucking' cast! In other words, Direct to DVD My ASS!!

Funny thing though...I remember that people said the same thing when the 3 minute promo of "Rambo 4" came onto AintItCoolNews...and "Rambo 4" proved to be a stellar, extremely fun and gory action movie. So maybe this is a good thing...

Some have complained that the 3 minute promo wasn't edited "wonderfully/terrifically/awe-inspiring" or whatever words or phrases that they use. It's a 'PROMO'...a selection of scenes (and really good ones) that showcase what the movie will contain. They have 10 MONTHS to fine tune and tighten a trailer for the masses. They have other sequences that they have not shown in the promo (for example, it's been confirmed that there is a 'Stallone vs. Lundgren' fight aka Rocky IV: The Rematch! Yes!), so they didn't show everything like some complain. Besides, if a movie is GOOD then it really shouldn't matter, now should it?

And one last thing, the humor. I could do without Stone Cold asking "Who sent you?" and Sly answering "Your hairdresser"...that's just bad. But I did enjoy the rapport among the Expendables, I liked Jet Li playing a different type who rides motorcycles/shoots guns/and offers a bit of humor for the flick, and a good friend of mine Efree reminded me that humor was a big part of a lot of action films of the 1980's.

And that's what director/writer/star Sylvester Stallone is trying to do. A balls-out, 'take you back to the 1980's' type of film. And I'm all for it. Without a doubt, this is the #1 film that I'm looking forward to and I trust Stallone. He gave Rocky the proper salute with "Rocky Balboa" and he proved once again that Rambo is a force not to be messed with in "Rambo".

So yeah...I have a little faith in Sly...he's earned it.

1 comment:

  1. I unfortunately didn't get to see this trailer at all. Even before it was pulled, just about every "version" I found on YouTube was region-locked so us Canadian folk couldn't catch a glimpse.

    Regardless, I don't need to see anything yet. This is probably my most anticipated film in many years. I'm pumped just at the idea of getting to see a movie like this on the big screen again. It's been a long time.
